13 NOV 2015 by ideonexus
A Small Defense of the Star Wars Prequels
***Sigh*** There are lots of problems with TPM, but its failure to be mythic isn’t one of them because that’s, in fact, the point of the entire prequel trilogy — demythologizing what we thought we knew about the Old Republic, the Jedi, and the rise of the Empire. The Old Republic wasn’t a “more civilized age,” it was a corrupt and flawed entity riven with divisions. The Jedi weren’t “guardians of peace and justice,” they were guardians of the status quo to the extent that ...30 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
The Rights Revolutions Erase Their Victories
The Rights Revolutions have another curious legacy. Because they are propelled by an escalating sensitivity to new forms of harm, they erase their own tracks and leave us amnesic about their successes. As we shall see, the revolutions have brought us measurable and substantial declines in many categories of violence. But many people resist acknowledging the victories, partly out of ignorance of the statistics, partly because of a mission creep that encourages activists to keep up the pressure...Folksonomies: civil rights social justice
Folksonomies: civil rights social justice
24 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
There is Too Much Art to Consume It All
So I have a counterclaim that exists today - Deviantart.
Why can't everyone be an artist? Because you can only consume so much art. I have a page group that is currently ~45 pages of artists on that website whose galleries I need to review and potentially watch. They total up to around 15k works of art, and that pool just grows, I can never get it under wraps, because it would take me probably a full workweek just to get through half of that.
On that, I'm already following nearly one thousa...08 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
Universities Targeting Out-of-State Admissions for Tuitio...
Colorado Mesa University was typical of most public institutions in the fall of 2007, with out-of-state students making up a small number, about 5 percent, of the overall student body. But when the economic downturn hit in the fall of 2008, and state support for higher education began dwindling, Colorado Mesa President Tim Foster knew it was time to shake up the status quo. He decided to aggressively recruit out-of-state students, who pay 50 percent to 60 percent more than do Colorado residen...Folksonomies: academia admissions
Folksonomies: academia admissions
...at the expense of in-State students.
13 MAR 2014 by ideonexus
Lifelong Learning
Seneca, the Latin philosopher, wrote, “As long as you live, keep learning how to
live.” Centuries later Andre Gide, the French critic and novelist said, “The wise man
is he who constantly wonders afresh.”
The scientific and technological explosion in this century has caused us all to
recognize that learning is a continuous, permanent, lifelong pursuit. It is a process
which commences with birth and only terminates at death and is then carried on by
others in a never-ending cont...A definition.
28 JUL 2011 by ideonexus
Characteristics of Visionaries
Visionaries had in common five characteristics, which the researchers termed “Innovator’s DNA.” Here are the first three:
• An ability to associate creatively. They could see connections between seemingly unrelated concepts, problems or questions.
• An annoying habit of consistently asking “what if”.And “why not” and “how come you’re doing it this way”. These visionaries scoured out the limits of the status quo, poking it, prodding it, shooting upward to the...Experimentation, inquisitiveness, and the ability to draw associations are the cognitive traits of an innovative mind.
23 MAR 2011 by ideonexus
1973 Humanist Manifesto II - Humanity As a Whole
Humanity As a Whole
IN CLOSING: The world cannot wait for a reconciliation of competing political or economic systems to solve its problems. These are the times for men and women of goodwill to further the building of a peaceful and prosperous world. We urge that parochial loyalties and inflexible moral and religious ideologies be transcended. We urge recognition of the common humanity of all people. We further urge the use of reason and compassion to produce the kind of world we want - a ...Section on Humanity As a Whole from the Humanist Manifesto.
01 JAN 2010 by ideonexus
Corporations are Antithetical to the Free Market
Corporations, whose leaders portray themselves as champions of the free market, were in fact created to circumvent that market. They were an answer to the challenge of organizing thousands of people in different places and with different skills to perform large and complex tasks, like building automobiles or providing nationwide telephone service.
[...]Corporations are bureaucracies and managers are bureaucrats. Their fundamental tendency is toward self-perpetuation. They are, almost by defin...Folksonomies: economics
Folksonomies: economics
Adam Smith argued for free markets, where a multitude of individual transactions amongst small groups of people or individuals would produce fair prices for goods and services. Corporations subvert this process by forming large bureaucracies that make money by maintaining the status quo and squashing innovation.